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Sunday, 21 August 2011

Just For Kidding

Girl -- Why do you love me ? ♥ ♥
Boy -- Because ABCDEFGHIJK :)
Girl -- What is ABCDEFGHIJK ?
Boy -- A is because your Adorable , B is Beautiful ,
C is Cute , D is because you are my Darling , E is
Exciting , F is you are Fascinating and G is because
your Gorgeous♥
Girl -- Aww , that's so sweet of you . But what
about HIJK ?
Boy -- Haha , I'm Just Kidding..
Imagine if you changed your facebook name to "No One."
No One liked your picture.
No One liked your status.
No One commented on your status.
No One commented on your picture.
No One wants to be your friend.
  How fast can you guess these words?
1. BOO_S
2. _ _ NDOM.
3. F_ _ K
4. P_ N _S
5. PU_S_
6. S_X
Answers:1. BOOKS 2. RANDOM 3. FORK 4. PANTS5. PULSE 6. SIX.You got all 6 wrong, didn't you?You dirty minded freak!
  I know 3 facts about you:
1. You can't say 'M' without your lips touching.
2. You're trying it now looking like an idiot.
3: Now you're smiling. :)

My Family

Hai nama aku ROZZALIA BT AMIR AMJAH...Saya 12 tahun...saya ade 6 adik beradik..hehehe...diorang semuanya perempuan....aku adelah yg paling last kan...tu lah diorang panggil aku adik..Rozzana,Rozzaini n Rozziela dah kerja...bekerjaya pulak tu..(sangattt) 2 orang lagi masih sekolah...sorang tingkatan 5...sorang tingkatan 4...malas nk cite pasal kakak aku banyak2...korang tengok kat facebook aku jelah...confirm ade...ni ade sikit gambar diorang

yg baju kuning tu ayah aku...kitorang panggil papa je..yg baju merah tu mak aku.....aku sayang diorang.....yang duduk kat bawah tu kakak2 aku lah...baju biru tu Rozzana..baju oren tu Rozzaini and baju hijau tu Rozziela...ade 2 orang lagi jap ye aku nk download jap

yg pakai tudung tu nama dia Rozzika.....yg kat sebelah dia tu Rozziana......

Ni akulah Rozzalia..peace!!